Thursday, July 06, 2006


Calvin klein rejected AD®


Hanging With LAST 4 ONE (Korean Breaker(winner of battle Of The Year 2005) after their performance at ASIAN X GAMES 06.

Johnny Depp is the Man

Johnny Depp is the man. respect his acting, respect for who he is. He might be weird but weird in a very cool way.

Just imagine him acting back to back as Willy Wonka in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory And Capt. Jack Sparrow in Pirrates Of The Carribean. 2 different roles. Magnificant.

FLy High And Touch The SKy~!

How High can a Man Jump??
As High as he wants too~!
This Pic will be Our Crew logo

30/07/06 Makan session B4 Albert'z Bday