Thursday, November 30, 2006

The End Of Time, Where Memory Will Be Forgotten

Well, it 1st of December. it just 31 days before next year and 25 days before christmas and 23 days before the Christmas play at Acts Church..

Life has going no where I might say. Why I need to lie. what have I done that i could say that this year 2006 is was a great year. I would say that it just the experience to be remembered. Things are changing around, from family to friends, from work to career. Somethings are just hard to let go but we have to let it all go for the best of ourself. Even if it's to let someone go. Not in living the past but to look forward. sometime, i know. We all have regret but do we want to live with regret that was just unspoken about till the end of time. Is it someone that offended that cause this regret.? I know hard time build us to what we are. Most of the time we are afraid. There is nothing wrong to be afraid. Cause heroes we're also afraid.

If problems have not occur to me, I wouldn't have realise my mistakes, my weaknesses, my problem or most of all myself. It our life, are we suppose to play safe? Is it because most of us are afraid to lose the things we have? Are we all scared by the truth that comes from our mouth maybe lose the people we care, the people we love? to be direct to them. not acting everything is fine and knowing someone else has a problem and not telling them cause the truth hurts. Truth Hurts, Love Hurts. Well, That the journey of life, you lose some, you gain some.
Should we let go off the past or should we relive the past. Well, i would just remember the Good time, we had last time and lets go off the past that cause us not moving on. All the hurts, all the pain, all the fight, all the things that happen.
I could have spoken all this for myself. The truth is that i'm afraid and all of us are. It not afraid as in scared of someone or what the future is install for us but we are just afraid of ourself.
Cause most of us are expert and playing safe and keep it cool.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Last Day Of Bryan LimuS

So, today is the last day that Bryan's last day working with me At my Office's Studio. Well, it's been a fun journey working with him and it gonna be really quiet in here.. Don't feel sad or happy but feel the freedom. Kinda sucky freedom i might say. Cause it be really lonely and silent alone in the studio. No one to talk too, No one to wack, no one to talk crap about( hahaha). So ,this is it.

This is his last words, it was last minute i call him to type something..

nigguh pleaszzzzzzz.....
it was fun here...getting whacked up ....
it was real fun~...

So we had a photo session in the studio with the part timer Andara and Mark from Lim Kok Wing. Here are some of the photo shots pic.. HEHE~!

anyway, can get it from my multiply. So , see you someday far far away....wait...I think i'll see him most of the time even he is not in the office..Well, nice working with ya.. GOD BLESS. PEace~!