19/03/07 Monday - Am I ready for my solo???? errr...not really.. HAHAHA~!
Well, Got up pretty early in the morning around 7 something and try to make it down to Kl before 9 something. Got there saw a few familiar faces from the audition. So, today is the day we dance to our song and doing solo routine. So The stage is all ours. Well, The song I pick was Petrified by Fort Minor. thought is was a god song to pop and lock and do some hip hop routine to.
Alright, sop the day begin by putting us in group of 10 again. But now by number sequence. So all of us(around 80 plus contestant went in the hall). Oh Crap....Everyone will be watching me do solo...Ahhhhh.. This is kinda my first time doing solo and some more to a crowd of people.. Nervous and really really nervous....If say perform in church still okay but to a crowd of people and somemore the judges.... And some more i did not prepare any routine but just plan to do what comes in mind. Freestyle all the way.... Alright ..all of us are in the hall...some how after praying a while, i don't seem to be so worry. And the shocking thing is that I am the 5th person to go up...Wohhhooooo...Okay~!!! Let's nail it... GOD~! help me pass this Lord~!
Well, is time.... My turn...NEXT~!!!!! Going on stage was really unexplainable feeling..... Waiting for the song to start was really making me nervous.Every second seems so long.... Anyway, i did my I could.. Perform my best.. trying not to look down but express my dance to the camera and judges... Tell you the truth, That was definately one of the longest solo I ever did... Wooooo~!
Comment time by the Judges... 1 first judge say that the solo i did, is so mormal and he seen before not much out of it. Alright...I don't say he is right or wrong but yeah..i think i did something normal but definately my best.... But he also say that he can only see me as a hiphop dancer.nothing else... most of the other dancer even if they dance Hip Hop, They can see they are able dance other styles... So, Alright one of the judges is Ramly Ibrahim..hope I spell his name right..... He say can you take off your cap??? can you take off your shoes?? alright...I did so and i was thinking ...are they checking me out~!???? hahaha~~!!:) Well, anyway, they ask me can u dance to a slow song>?? can you dance contemporary? Okay..... Suddenly my mind just say Okay sure...let's do it... without any doubt. So they played a slow song, a i just did what i have to do. Definately God had gave me the confident to do so. May not be the best but i tried.
I think they enjoyed it.. Well they first judge say No.. but 2 of the other judges say YES.. They say I have showmanship, expression, personality and they want to see more of me. You got the call back...AHAHHAHA~! Thank You~! Thank You~! thank You GOd~! But if they really like you and think you are good they will just send you straight to boot camp( The top40 dancers).
So went off stage with smile inside and kinda relief that my solo is over. Actually, now I can't really remember the other things that the judges say..but what the hack...i'm done...
So went out and i have and interview with the 8Tv host. So, will see me on TV. Haha~!
i was really tired that day, went to burger king. Had a Fish burger and i fell a sleep athere for like half and hour.. WAuuuu..... Really drain out of my shoe man.... Went back to the auditorium then..maybe can sleep there... :)
So waited like in the auditorium watching the other contestant until the end. That was like already 9 something.. cause need to brief and video shoot.
Well, anyway, I am still in it.... Really is not my work but God is definitely challenging me in doing things that I'm not comfortable with but really open up door for me thru this audition. Thank You God~!!!!
..Stay tune for my PART 3 (The Call Back ROUND 3)
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