Feww....Alright the final day before they select people to boot camp. And by the way, i got up this morning really feeling sick. Got flu and is like leaking out my nose..Suffer man~! limited of tissues in my bag. --------->
Got to panggung DBKL like 9am. Well,waited again. getting ourself warm up. Well, got a few people am out to volunteer to lead the warm up session Hahahaha~! even Michael Jackson impersonator.
Now...after that they spill us up into 2 groups, contemporary, lyrical slower dance etc and freestyle hip hop break dancer etc etc. Well, the "slow dance" group went in first. A few got eliminated and the twist is that they play hip hop songs for them.. (got some info from outside):D. So, i guess they will be playing for us a slow song....Alright alright.. I'm cool with it.
So it's our turn to go in. Group of 10, on stage 5 on the left 5 on the right. They play the song (it's sound like an indonesian song). And one by one come out and do their thing. Well, somehow I feel more relax. And i do my thing.. seems my dance like very emo i think.. Haha~! but someone say it was interesting.stuck in her head. HAHA~! Well, cut the story short.. the judge call us by number, line up, call us to pick our bags and line back up. 3 of us were called. judge sayyyyyyy "You still have hope for the next round" ..yeah~! got through... alright~!
oK, This is the time. Partner choreography partner dance.. We are gonna be dancing to a JAzz/ hiphop dance. Okay.~! sounds interesting. So all of us are on stage(around 60-70 people).And they call us to look for a partner so i walk around looking for a partner. Got one. Nice girl, cute hehe~! anyway..... Her name is Joeyda( is that how is spell??)(but pronounce with me "Jo" "E" "Da". Interesting name. So we got an hour of break...went out for quick lunch and the hall will be use for the 1st group. I'm the 2nd group. So after lunch, we end up backstage changing room resting and waiting. After like 45 minutes, It's our turn. Got to nail this down even if I'm sick. Hard but gotta do it. Alright, the choreographer is a Jazz dancer. She will be teaching us.. We have only 1 hour before performance time. well, the dance is alright. The whole dance we have to connect with our partner and the judges.. somehow I couldn't really do it well.. tried my best dy. but when i try to connect with my partner my dance cacat a bit.
1hours up....everyone on stage.... Got a practice run on stage. I don't seem to be nailing it. errr... I feel really warm..maybe cause I'm kinda sick.
Alright, so we did the dance to show the judge. tried my best. really nervous but having fun..
Sometime i to focus on my dance and I lose it... darn.. Well, after our dance....they all us to switch partner...OoooNoooo.... But somehow i kinda connect better abit with the new partner. Well, we're done... got to back stage and waited.. And you know what. After the 3rd group finish. the judges need like 3 hours plus to think things over..Now is like 6pm. So result will be like 9 or 10..
Well, long wait........ went..dinner wet back to the hall and wait wait wait...SO boring until the PA guy start playing songs.. Some people push the 8tv crew dance. And the whole night end up to be a dance party. Everyone was having chaos fun. MJ impersonator having his thriller session. haha~! it was chaos funny man.. everyone is like so stress out and this really help to relief the monkey on our back. I really had a good time.
Well, before someone plan to dance the Jazz?hiphop partner dance routine again as a big group, we all were called to line up to go back stage. Alright the time has come. Guys and the girls were split up.. 30 guys left. I'm one of them.. wow~! split us into 3 group of 10.
cut story short, guys went up 1st. 3 group.. Im in the 2nd group. Intense man..4 guys already in boot camp and they need 14 guys out of us 30...Well, the 1st group all of them made it to boot camp.woooooooo~! 10 people got through. darn only left 4. And when our group was call out front..They say all of us did our best, there is some struggle in the choreography but we manage to pull out a performance. but.....it's not enough...I'm sorry, all of you're didn't make it... Darn~!!!!
Was a bit disappointed but relieve that is over. You know that feeling that you want to make it further but somehow you feel tired and cannot do it anymore but wanna to move further...shhhhhh.... That was like the silent night walking away from Panggung DBKl knowing that I'm not coming back here anymore and walking to the LRT to head home. Was disappointing but kinda happy tat i made ti this far cause my mind was i can only make pass 1st audition only but i made further then i expect. :) GOd is good~!
( thank you all that had supported me and believe in me through out my journey here~!Thank you for the encoureagement..you know who you are)
Through out this Journey i have definitely learn alot. To believe in faith. After all of this, i feel more confident, more alive, eyes are open to see there is more in life than what we are currently doing. All the problem seem to have an answer to solving it. It definitely build me up to be a better person.
it will be on TV.....

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